A       A#      C       C9      Cm      D#      Dm      
<====>  <====>  <====>  <====>  <====>  <====>  <====>  
 |O||    ||OO    ||||    ||||    ||||    |||O    ||O|   
 O|||    |O||    ||||    |O||    ||||    ||||    OO||   
 ||||    O|||    |||O    O||O    |OOO    |OO|    ||||   
 ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||   
.||||   .||||   .||||   .||||   .||||   .||||   .||||   
 ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||   

F       Gm      Gm7     Gmmaj7  
<====>  <====>  <====>  <====>  
 ||O|    |||O    ||OO    |||O   
 O|||    |O||    |O||    |OO|   
 ||||    ||O|    ||||    ||||   
 ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||   
.||||   .||||   .||||   .||||   
 ||||    ||||    ||||    ||||   

A#  A#  Gm F  D# Dm  Cm F
Why - y - y - y
A#  A#  Gm F  D# Dm  Cm F
Why - y - y - y

         A#      A#/A
When you fall asleep
           Gm         F
Before the end of the day
             D#    Dm Cm F
You start to worry
              A#    A#/A
Like when the taxi comes
   Gm       F
To take you away
                  D#    Dm Cm F
When you're in no hurry

Yet as our hair turns white
        Gmmaj7                Gm7      C9
All the stars still shine so bright, above
At least
It's not the end of the world

A#  A#  Gm F  D# Dm  Cm F
Why - y - y - y

         A#       A#/A
We could live it large
              Gm       F
Because we're only old once
             D#         Dm Cm F
Let's make a difference
             A#           A#/A
Turn all the hate in the world
     Gm       F
Into a mockingbird
        D#       Dm Cm F
Make it fly away

Yet as our hair turns grey
     Gmmaj7            Gm7             C
Everything is far from a- .. a- .. a-O.K.
D#        F                            A# A#/A
At least it's not the end of the world
   Gm    F    D#          F
No No No No No, at least it's not the end of the world

A#  A#  Gm F  D# Dm  Cm F
Why - y - y - y
A#  A#  Gm F  D# Dm  Cm F
Why - y - y - y